Friday 22 December 2017

Christmas 2017

It's that time of the year when, depending on your predilections, when one says, bah humbug, or a joyous time to celebrate.  The joy comes from the idea of Christmas as the time of the year for gifts.  Arguably an invention by one of the greatest writers who has ever lived.  No not Shakespeare, because he didn't write a Christmas Carol, Dickens did.  And I thank him for that.  Otherwise Christmas would be a rather joyless event.

So, here I sit, writing about Christmas thinking of the good things, for example, the books I've read this year, and the new authors I've discovered, and of course, all the work I've been doing to get my book ready to put up on Amazon.

In the mean time, the parcels are wrapped, the tree has been put up, and there's a ton of other fun stuff to look forward to.  So, let me wish all my readers a Merry Christmas, or if you prefer a Happy Holiday, or Solstice break.  Whatever works for you.


  1. Ashley, have a great Christmas time and lookin forward to 2018 to reading your new book. Best



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