Saturday 18 January 2014

Looking Back on 2013

On my pile of books to be read soon as I want to revisit this old favourite that made a big impression on me when I first read it all those years ago.  I was fortunate enough to meet Arthur C. Clarke at a small one day convention in London called Lunicon in 1976.

Over the last few months you may have noticed I've put more tags on my posts, and I've tried to make the blog reader friendly, for what is mostly a diary of my progress as a writer that I keep as a tool to strengthen my change of direction in my career.  If averages could be calculated from total page views then this blog receives about two hundred views per post.  The truth is a lot different.  On average I get between fifty and a hundred views per page, except when I don't.

Looking at the page tally the biggest hit last year was the post I did on Arthur C. Clarke about reading The Lion of Comarre and Against the Fall of Night with over 1200 hits.  I imagine that most of these were Googlebot hits, but I may be wrong.  Certainly it suggests I should mention Arthur C. Clarke more on my blog if I want to get more hits per post, as if I would ever do something like that!

I've just heard that John Lambshead is working on the sequel for Wolf in Shadow, which was one of the standout new author reads for me last year.  You heard it here first, or not if it's the case that you follow John's blog.  The other standout new author to me that I read last year was Michelle Sagara's Silence.  I recommend both of these books as well worth the time and trouble to hunt them down and buy them.

As I've said I've still working on the how the blog looks, what I put on it and making sure that things are tagged so that people can find their way around the content.  A lot remains personal diary keeping of what I write, but I intend to keep posting about stuff I've been reading and watching too.  Thank you for reading.

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